The Forbidden Eye

There is a temple that in India that holds a gift you seek. This temple is called the Temple of the Forbidden Eye and there is a reason. The 3 gifts offered manages to attracts tourist crowds to the temple. This is also the ride called Indiana Jones Adventure: Forbidden Eye. The ride is located in Adventure land, the neighbor of Jungle Cruise. The setting is within a Jungle in India around 1935. The ride is about a temple that is in ruins that is found my Dr. Jones himself after putting together map fragments which led to this temple. The temple deity Mara offers 3 gifts: Wealth, Youth, or Sight of the Future. The temple also holds a lot of artifacts which are priceless. Sallah (A friend of Dr. Jones) attempts to make funds by having a guide tour for tourist interesting in the temple.

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The queue is the the front of the temple with equipment of the excavation team around the area. The queue also extends inside the temple in which you encounter traps. These traps have reference many famous traps seen in previous Indiana Jones movies such as the rising spike room which is seen in Indiana Jones II Temple of Doom. There’s many of traps and a small cave with bats. After a few traps, you are lead to a small theater room in which Sallah is seen to explain the safety procedures and many other things related to the temple INCLUDING instructions to NOT look in the eyes of Mara when you are in the chamber of destiny. After the queue, you are led to the loading area.

When you are loaded onto the ride, you go off to 3 doors which represent the 3 different gifts Mara offers. It was actually planned that this room rotated but this plan was scratched and changed it so the door would randomize the gift and effects. Once the door is opened, you are led to a chamber which has different decorations and lighting depending on what gift you get. This is when you see a giant face is which is Mara. You can here Mara asking you to look into his eyes. Of course Sallah has explained to you to not look. Apparently if you looked into Mara’s eyes, you’d die somehow. Of course if you look, there’s an effect making Mara’s face get all messed up. After this, you turn to the left where all the shaking happens and you can see an audio-animatronic of Dr. Jones.

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He seems to be struggling to keep the Gates of Doom closed as he tells you to go the other way. You are led to a flight of stairs which you go down with a giant room with a lava pit and a rickety rope bridge with a 45-foot statue of Mara’s face. There’s some real fire effects down here as well. The statue shoots lasers from the eyes which was actually suppose to hit the ceiling of the giant room which caused small rocks to fall which were small pieces of dried ice. This idea was scratched due to the system not working. In which you turn to the left again towards a sort of little catacombs with dead bodies and skeletons everywhere with a few jump scares (Real kid friendly Disney). After this you are led to a room of bugs and the headlights of the car flickers. Small holes that blow air at you simulate the bugs jumping at you. Then you are led to the bridge in which you gotta cross it. You get a good look at that big statue as well. After crossing the bridge, you go around some debris and see giant snakes pictures and you encounter another animatronic of a giant snake that hisses and bites at you. At this moment Dr. Jones says one of his famous lines like “Snakes, why’d it have to be snakes.” and you go down an incline turning and such. Skulls and candles are seen across parts of the wall. Then you go into a room of darkness in which your car pauses (Probably the engines aren’t working very well). Then the car goes again and you drive through darkness until you are led to a hallway. In this hallway are tons of reanimated skeletons which seem to be a bit angry. They’re also armed with spears and swords. They probably don’t like visitors because they start attacking your car making your car move a bit. Blasts of air hit you to simulate the spears and weapons going by. After this little attack, you are led to another dark area where you see Dr. Jones again hanging on some rope. At this moment he shouts for you to let him in then you see the iconic boulder rolling towards you. The vehicle prepares for this and goes under the boulder with lights flashing at it. After this you hear the boulder crashing and do a U-turn to see Dr. Jones again somehow alive after that. He delivers some lines such as “Next time, you’re on your own!” or “Tourists! Why’d it have to be tourists.” Then you are led back into the loading area and you are led off the vehicle and back to the exit.

This ride has been my favorite as a child like who couldn’t resist riding this and experiencing one of Dr. Jones adventures just like short round! The effects in this ride are amazing and there’s a pretty decent story. The animatronics were amazing and really made me feel like I was gonna get bit by that snake. The only problem with this ride is the long wait and the ride tends to break down often.


The vehicle is enhanced to make it move a lot more making it more chaotic and dangerous.

There’s also a Toyko version of this which is basically the same track and feeling but different story.

The ride reaches speeds of up to 14 MPHs but honestly I don’t think we need it to go any faster with all of those twists and turns.

Extras: If you’re ever going to ride this, maybe get a fast pass because the line is crazy. Maybe on a good day it’s short but it’s a pretty crazy line. Just remember don’t look into the Forbidden Eye!

Video of the ride:

The Hollywood Tower OF TERROR

Now this ride was replaced by Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout which means I should of done this one first BUT honestly I love Guardians of the Galaxy a lot and I couldn’t stop myself from doing that one. This change to the ride really angered a lot of fans because this ride was very good and it was I can agree. Although I am easily scared, It’s still an awesome ride which really scares you. Now there are like 4 different versions now 3 out there which are a little better so don’t feel bad that the Tower of Terror is gone forever at California. Now the story is about a successful Hollywood Tower which had customers that were famous and one night a family went into the elevator and went up. They almost made it but lightning struck the tower and led to the elevator which dropped them but led them into… The Twilight Zone. I love the Twilight Zone which only made this ride better. Now on the very time you ride this again you are going into maintenance elevator and entering The Twilight Zone. Image result for tower of terror california

The queue is around the tower and when you enter you see the old abandoned hotel with props everywhere with webs. You are left to the Pre-Show which shows you the clip explaining what happened and how you have just entered The Twilight Zone. You are led to the boarding area where you get on the elevator. You go backwards as the Narrator a voice impersonator of Rod Serling, tells you that you made reservations to the hotel. As you back up you can see stars as if you’re in space or something. You go up to a room where there is a mirror. The narrator tells you to wave goodbye and then you disappear from the mirror. You go up a little and you get the hallway scene where you can see the ghosts of those who died in the drop waving at you and gesturing to come with them. Then they disappear and the whole scene disappears but shows a door which opens. Then you drop down. You repeat the process of going up and down. Then you go to the tallest drop where the window opens to show the park and cameras then it snaps a photo of you but does a fake drop then drops all the way. You go down then back up to the same drop again with the window open but this time it drops you without the fake one. This is the last one which leads you to the last part in which Rod Serling tells you to be careful of which hotel you check in because you may step back in the Twilight Zone. Then you are led back out to the gift shop.

Opinions: Now this is all by memory, a video I found, and the wiki so I don’t know much since I rode this back when I was 10 and was too terrified to ride it. Now I know that I should of rode it many times to enjoy it since I’ve gotten over that fear. I feel like the theme is the best with the Twilight Zone. If I ever get the chance to go to Florida I’m making reservations for a hotel. The Hollywood Hotel that is.


There are certain Easter eggs throughout the queue related to the show which you can find yourself.

The footage of Rod Serling was edited from another episode of the show called “It’s a Good Life” and was impersonated by Mark Silverman.

Yes I was too scared to ride it when I was younger and only got to step foot in the Twilight Zone once and I regret that but I still love Guardians of the Galaxy which help me get over the fear of those drops and I can’t wait to try the Florida Version!

Link to the ride:


Monsters After Dark

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Disneyland usually brings most of their Halloween stuff over to the regular park but now they brought it over to California Adventure to Cars Land and one of my favorite rides Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout. Now I was confused because I had no clue the ride ONLY took place after 5 PM or 6PM depends. Now to the ride. The ride is basically a sequel to the Mission Breakout. The story is after the chaotic but successful Prison Break, they realized they left behind Baby Groot (Flora Colossus). Image result for baby groot

Because Rocket is Baby Groot’s best friend, he goes back to the Tivan Collection to look for him. During the Prison Break Rocket destroyed the generators releasing his friends and ALL of the collections. It just so happens that many of these collections are dangerous. Since they lose power they are left to fight off these dangerous monsters with the place going to ruins. This is shown when you enter the Tower you can see the place now in darkness beside red lights going off and the screen shown is malfunctioning when it’s usually showing a clip of the collector introducing you to the Guardians of the Galaxy.Image result for Monsters after dark

It starts to glitch and then shows clips of the crew and Tivan’s assistant panicking to pack items and leave. There are also clips of crew members being attacked by an unknown creature when they tried to gain control of it. The queue is still the same but the tower itself changes to a very creepy feeling.

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So let’s get right to the pre-show. As you are led to the Tivan Collector’s private office, you can hear the voice of the assistant telling instructions malfunction and glitch. Then when the doors open, you enter the room to see the TV going through some coding with Rocket already there using the TV screen. He finds a way to find certain heat signatures of anything in the building. He finds Baby Groot on a certain level and notices you are there. He tells you that you shouldn’t be in there and to leave but realizes that he can use the crowd as bait to attract the Monsters away from Groot while Rocket tries to save Groot. Then you are led to the basement / loading area. You walk through the dark place with shadows of monsters on the walls. Then you are led to the loading area and you await for the instructions of the assistant. The same thing happens with the bio-scanner and it malfunctions and opens. A cast member leads you onto the ride and he or she starts it. You back up to get in position of the ride as you see Rocket on top of the Gantry lift as he tells you to “Scream real loud and look delicious.” He also mentions that the gantry lift is still broken and it will be a rough ride. Then the the song of the ride plays “Monsters After Dark” by Tyler Bates the person who made the soundtrack of the movies. You start the ride then go up and down like usual. Then you stop for the first scene which shows Rocket reuniting with Groot but then attacked by the monster Surtur’s Fire Dragon.

Image result for Monsters After Dark monster As they run away you drop and continue the process. You go to another scene where Rocket is trying to attract the monster away from Groot with a flashlight but failing then the gantry lift drops. Then you are led to the biggest drop with the cameras and the window opens. As you pause for the drop, you can hear the voice of the assistant telling you the safety rules come up which made me die of laughter. Then you drop and it continues the process again and you’re led to the last scene. You can see Rocket explaining the whole thing wasn’t that bad while trying to make Groot spit out something which Groot thinks it’s candy then the door behind starts to get rammed. Rocket starts to run as he tells Groot to watch his language as the Monster once again pops out for a little scare and you get the last drop of the ride.Image result for Monsters After Dark monster

Then you go back forward to see Rocket on top of the gantry lift with Groot on his shoulder. Rocket is relieved until Groot tells Rocket something and points toward the top left corner. Groot runs as Rocket tells you to be very very still and he runs as you can hear the roar of the monster. You are led back and the assistant realizes you’re still there and tells you to get out as soon as possible.

Opinions: Now I love this ride although I had to wait in line for the fastpasses which broke to the point they made the line into a standby. The thing broke twice before the engineers gave up and made us wait there for like 6 hours. Honestly it was worth it. I love the ride and how it gave the creepy feeling and it was still connected to the original ride. If I had the chance to ride this again I would but as I said 6 hours in standby and this is ONLY during the Halloween celebration at night! The ride wasn’t that terrifying because it had an equal amount of comedy in it but the cast member cast us really badly when he jumped at us and scream at the end.


Cast member’s uniform change to a bloody uniform as if they were dead which is pretty funny.

Don’t expect to get fastpasses when your location in the line reaches the Bug’s Land restrooms.

Link to a Video of the Ride: Awesome video really captured the experience in my opinion!

Don’t trust the cast members they sometimes like to have fun with the creepy theme.

The monster Surtur’s Fire Dragon is actually going to be one of the monsters in the upcoming film “Thor : Ragnarok”



Guardians of the Galaxy Mission: Breakout

Okay I understand that Tower of Terror was built first and I should probably be doing that first but I love this ride. Guardians of the Galaxy has about just as much love as hate. This is due to the fact that it replaced Tower of Terror for whatever reason. Honestly I love both of the rides but I can accept the change. Now on with the review and observation. The Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout (GOTG for short) is a dark ride / drop tower. Image result for guardians of the galaxyThe story of the ride is the the Guardians of the Galaxy was lured in by the Collector (Taneleer Tivan) which is an immortal man who collects items and stuff around the galaxy. Starlord (The leader of the GOTG) accepts the Collector’s offer to have a tour of his collection. This led them to a trap in which the Collector traps them and puts them up on display so you can see them. The whole ride is a giant tower around 183 feet tall which is suppose to be the the Collector’s collection. Image result for guardians of the galaxy mission breakoutThe queue has you going around the tower and when you reach the entrance you see a golden statue of the collector holding a creature which I assume is a lizard. As you enter, you can see his collection of items and a giant screen showing the Collector himself explain that you are going to see the captive GOTG crew. He explains that they are held by an electrified cage which is powered by a giant generator just on top of them. Under the cage is a trap which would probably kill them if they tried to escape. You can see the GOTG crew argue over how Starlord led them into a trap and it helps explain the story. After going around into the queue, a cast member tells you to either go to the right or left pre-show. The left one will take you to the top elevators and right will take you to the bottom elevators. You are led to a door in which you wait until a female which is the Collector’s assistant tells you to raise your hand so it bio-scans your hand to give access to the Collector’s private office. Once you enter, the door closes and a video starts to play showing the collector telling you that you’re about to see the GOTG. After the collector talks a bit, you can hear Rocket Raccoon (A genetically intelligent Raccoon part of the GOTG) Fall down the vents right above the screen. He complains about hearing the Collector and how it his biggest motivation to escape and then he mutes the footage of the collector. You can see his tail move along the top of the wall behind everything. Image result for rocket raccoon animatronicThen you see an animatronic of rocket  work on trying to hijack the screen. He hurts trying to do so shocking himself and hitting his head. He sees you and explains that the Collector will put you on a Gantry lift (An elevator) in which Rocket will hijack it and bring the gantry life to the generator then blow it up. Doing so will free the GOTG and then another member that is free named Mantis will drive the Milano their escape ship and get out of there. Where you come in this plan is that Rocket doesn’t have clearance of the bio-scan. He needs to use you so he can get pass the bio-scan and go on with his plan. Then the door opens and you leave. As you leave, you can see rocket grab the Starlord’s walkman from a display case. When you walk out, you are led to what seems like the basement or maintenance area. If you took the left pre-show you go upstairs but if you took the right then you user the lower elevators. You walk through the basement area with machinery making noises and creepy props laid around it. Then you are led to 1 of 3 elevators and wait. You are stood in a row with a seating chart explaining which seat you sit on. After waiting a bit the Collector’s assistant will tell you to raise your hand once again to do another bio-scan. After the bio-scan is done a cast member sits you down in the gantry lift and explains the safety rules. After they finish might tell you to help rocket or something really just depends if they’re those fun people then they start the ride. The door closes and your gantry lift moves backwards into the ride position. As this is happening you can see the shadow of rocket sneak on top of the gantry lift and pull up a cable and unplug it. Alarms goes off and he plugs in the Starlord’s walkman and it plays a song. Rocket makes the gantry lift go up the generator and shuts it down. Now how the ride works is that there’s 6 different profile so whenever you ride it, you’re probably going to get a different version of the ride. In these 6 profiles there are different songs, situations, and drop patterns.

The songs are:

Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benator


I Want You Back by The Jackson 5


Give Up The Funk by Parliament


Free Ride by The Edgar Winter Group


Burning Love by Elvis Presley


Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf


Most of the situations are of the crew being attacked or having fun. After a few drops there will be 2 cut scenes of GOTG doing whatever is put in that profile. After those 2 cut scenes, the ride will take you to the tallest drop in which a door will open to show the park and cameras. Right before you drop, the cameras take pictures of you and you drop all the way down and continue going up and down again. Then when the last cut scene of the ride comes up which is the GOTG thanking you for your help and then the gantry lift malfunctions in which it takes you back up again and drops you. When it ends, the ride moves forward in which you can see shadows of items dropping and Drax the Destroyer (Another member) asking why they were thanking them even though they did nothing. As you exit the ride and go to the gift shop, you can hear the Collector panicking over how the GOTG escape and the assistant panicking. You exit to see the photo section of your drop and go into the gift shop.


In the queue, you can see a vent that is blown up and red floor prints leading to the front where a sign displaying Guardians of the Galaxy in which Mission Breakout is painted in red paint. This actually tells a story which I noticed. You can see red footprints around the building showing that rocket went outside to mess around when he escaped and in the gift shop a sign saying how many items were collected has a giant X on it. When you enter the basement area, you can see a spilled bucket of red paint which showed where rocket got that red paint.

There is an event at the front of the sign where Starlord and Gamora comes out to dance to music. Groot (A member of the GOTG which is a tree creature) sometimes comes out to take pictures with people outside.

Around the time the ride came out, you could get souvenir cups of baby Groot with moving arms making it look like it’s dancing.

When the ride opened, the ride standby queue was like 4 hours. I was lucky to even get a fastpass in which the return time was 8 pm and I got it at 10 am.

There is a new Halloween overlay which only happens at night only available from Sept. 15th to Oct. 31st

The Ride is based off of the movies and comics of Marvel. There are 2 movies of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Link to Video of the Ride (Give up the Funk Version):


The whole building is about 183 feet tall and drops are about 130 feet. Drops can go about 39 MPH and the ride is about 2 minutes and 10 seconds long. The ride was open on May 27, 2017. The ride is located in the park California Adventure inside Hollywood land. The ride is the first of the Marvel expansion. Fastpasses are provided for the ride.

Thank you for reading my review and observation of the ride and if you ever think of trying the ride, get a fastpass or you’ve got 60 minutes of waiting to do.