The Hollywood Tower OF TERROR

Now this ride was replaced by Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout which means I should of done this one first BUT honestly I love Guardians of the Galaxy a lot and I couldn’t stop myself from doing that one. This change to the ride really angered a lot of fans because this ride was very good and it was I can agree. Although I am easily scared, It’s still an awesome ride which really scares you. Now there are like 4 different versions now 3 out there which are a little better so don’t feel bad that the Tower of Terror is gone forever at California. Now the story is about a successful Hollywood Tower which had customers that were famous and one night a family went into the elevator and went up. They almost made it but lightning struck the tower and led to the elevator which dropped them but led them into… The Twilight Zone. I love the Twilight Zone which only made this ride better. Now on the very time you ride this again you are going into maintenance elevator and entering The Twilight Zone. Image result for tower of terror california

The queue is around the tower and when you enter you see the old abandoned hotel with props everywhere with webs. You are left to the Pre-Show which shows you the clip explaining what happened and how you have just entered The Twilight Zone. You are led to the boarding area where you get on the elevator. You go backwards as the Narrator a voice impersonator of Rod Serling, tells you that you made reservations to the hotel. As you back up you can see stars as if you’re in space or something. You go up to a room where there is a mirror. The narrator tells you to wave goodbye and then you disappear from the mirror. You go up a little and you get the hallway scene where you can see the ghosts of those who died in the drop waving at you and gesturing to come with them. Then they disappear and the whole scene disappears but shows a door which opens. Then you drop down. You repeat the process of going up and down. Then you go to the tallest drop where the window opens to show the park and cameras then it snaps a photo of you but does a fake drop then drops all the way. You go down then back up to the same drop again with the window open but this time it drops you without the fake one. This is the last one which leads you to the last part in which Rod Serling tells you to be careful of which hotel you check in because you may step back in the Twilight Zone. Then you are led back out to the gift shop.

Opinions: Now this is all by memory, a video I found, and the wiki so I don’t know much since I rode this back when I was 10 and was too terrified to ride it. Now I know that I should of rode it many times to enjoy it since I’ve gotten over that fear. I feel like the theme is the best with the Twilight Zone. If I ever get the chance to go to Florida I’m making reservations for a hotel. The Hollywood Hotel that is.


There are certain Easter eggs throughout the queue related to the show which you can find yourself.

The footage of Rod Serling was edited from another episode of the show called “It’s a Good Life” and was impersonated by Mark Silverman.

Yes I was too scared to ride it when I was younger and only got to step foot in the Twilight Zone once and I regret that but I still love Guardians of the Galaxy which help me get over the fear of those drops and I can’t wait to try the Florida Version!

Link to the ride:


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